So by now, you're using Twitter as a Social Media Marketing tool for your business. Right? Instead of having to log into Twitter each day to put forth your wisdom/essence/daily special, you can figure it all out at the beginning of the week/month, write them all out and schedule when they will appear. By doing them all at once, you will save serious time and energy.
There are many free online tools which help boost your social media productivity. Additional features include managing more than one Twitter account, keyword searches, see who is mentioning you, and much more.
If I can offer a comparison, it would be like using email but without Outlook -- so you wouldn't be connected to your calendar, contacts, notes, etc. (AOL users, I'm talking to you! More later.)
I've been using HootSuite, but there are many others as well: Tweet Later, Twittertise, Tweet Ahead. And, if you're the kind of person who leaves no stone unturned, here's a list of more sites to check out.