Last weekend, we (husband, kids and me) were bicycling on the Boise Greenbelt and lo and behold! There were some surfers, going against the rapids -- surfing. Surfing the Boise River. Four words you'd never think would go together. I got the video to prove it!
And I'm not talking kayak surfing -- I'm talking about surf board surfing. There is TONS of water, gushing in the Boise River -- so these guys are whitewater surfing. Surfing the rapids. I still sound surprised, right? This was the raddest Boise image I've seen since I've been here. Guys in full wetsuits (hot), dropping into the rapids. I was STOKED. Watch here:
Boise is in the process of building a Recreation Park near this spot in Garden City. But they were talking kayaks. Hey kayakers: get on your feet!