Boise is the City of Trees. I’ve lived here for two years now, having moved from Los Angeles, where I grew up. While I miss the diversity of food, I definitely do not miss the traffic. Despite its size, there is so much to do in Boise, especially with your children.
The Truth: The long weekend at Disney World totally exceeded my expectations: from the seriously good food at our hotel (Animal Kingdom Lodge) to the… well, the whole Disneyness of it. I was drinking their Kool-aid! In fact, I was actually drinking a delicious South African Syrah that was served at the inaugurations of both President Obama and Nelson Mandela, but I digress.
I enjoyed the fireworks over the Magic Kingdom to the tune of “When You Wish Upon a Star.” I freaked out and became an eight year old when I saw Mary Poppins walking around the park – but did you know that they literally paint faces on these ‘cast members’ so that this women was the (scary) spitting image of Julie Andrews as Mary Poppins. Still, fascinating and totally satisfying.
And then we got to the scavenger hunt. By this time, I had been at Disney three days and I was chugging their Kool-Aid: I became a scavenger hunt maniac.
Although we were thirsty, tired and knew the prizes were not a trip to Hawaii, we persevered. We bonded.
A bunch of travel writers (moms!) from around the country, running around Epcot Center yelling, pointing, taking photos and shoving a stuffed animal next to hidden Mickeys. We had fun. We made our own fun at Disney. It doesn’t all have to be pre-packaged.