
Ski Tips With Jonny Moseley!

Ski Tips With Jonny Moseley!

I skied with Jonny Moseley last week atSquaw Valley.  It's not every day I get to ski with a Gold Medalist, so naturally I asked for a ski tip. And I video taped it for your enjoyment. Here's the catch: it was a windy day so the sound is gawdawful! But Jonny Moseley is so super cute (yes, I do believe I'm 16 again), so I couldn't just trash the video.

Here's what's happening:
  • Jonny tells me that he knows what it's like to be a mom who hasn't skied for a while. (Oh. Really?)
  • If you haven't skied in a while, he has one extra-special tip that will improve your skiing markedly (this is where the wind really starts to blow)
  • When you want to turn to the left, lift your left heel to your butt (his word) as you make the turn.
Jonny is the Chief Mountain Host at Squaw Valley and gives all-mountain tours for the Very Lucky.

More about my Squaw trip later in the week.

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