
Tell Your Telecom Company You Want a Better Deal


Do you know how much you are paying for your Internet/Telephone/Television?  Do you know if you're getting the top-of-the-line features?  When was the last time you checked?  I've got news for you: you are probably paying more than you need to.

If I were you, I would:

  1. Find out what the best deal is for new customers for your carrier.
  2. Find out what the best deal is for new customers for an alternative carrier that you would be happy switching to, if push came to shove.
  3. Call your carrier and let them know that you would like to review your account and pay less (or get more features).
I know that sounds ridiculously facile -- but it works.  If you have had your contract for over one year, the telecom companies would really like to stay in business with you and will be willing to negotiate.

You should also know that if you haven't updated your DSL account in a while, you are probably paying way too much for slower broadband.  DSL companies will almost never suggest that you upgrade because that will mean a better deal for you -- and with a faster connection. 

Sure, this takes some of your time.  But you could save hundreds of dollars in 2010.  Getting good value and finding money is always a good thing.


Social Media As a Tool To Raise Money

Many of us think of Facebook and Twitter as a "productivity killer."  But the fundraising for relief in Haiti opened our eyes to the misperception.  Social media sites have been a boon to fundraising: whether for venture capital or for charitable causes or even art projects. 

Companies can now raise venture capital ONLINE in mere days (OK, really buttoned-up companies, but still!); Artists can raise seed money in 30 days for their next project and charities can promote special fundraising events or ongoing capital campaigns through social networks.  It's not as easy as slapping up a link and hoping for the best: you still need a plan and content to back it up, but there are so many more avenues once your project is online.

This is just the beginning: there are so many ways that social media will reveal itself in the years to come.  Keep your mind open...


Desktop Vs. Laptop: Which to Buy?

Most people don't need notebooks.  You think you want the mobility, but then the laptop sits on your desk ninety percent of the time.  Laptops cost more money than desktops, so you're not getting as good a machine as your budget allows.  You also have to work off a small screen a tiny keyboard.  Let me offer a solution:

Buy a desktop or all-in-one (iMac or PC equivalent) and then purchase a netbook for travel and light mobility.  This way, you spend the same amount of money but get the best of both worlds.

There are two key factors.  First, getting a desktop that is clean and efficient. DellAppleHPAsus and all the major manufacturers offer all in ones or small form factor machines.
Next, you match them with a wireless keyboard and mouse and you have a clean computing environment.

It's that simple. 


Sync Your Bookmarks!

A useful tool that let's you take your online bookmarks with you no matter whose computer you're using is Xmarks. (Formerly known as "foxmarks")  Currently, Xmarks supports Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari for the Mac.
xMarks takes your bookmarks and syncs them across multiple browsers.  If you use more than one machine (work, home, laptop), you'll always have your bookmarks with you.  OR, if your hard drive crashes, you'll have your bookmarks just by signing into xMarks.  With xMarks, you'll never have to remember a website, it'll just be there in your well-organized bookmark bar.


Skype while traveling abroad!

Want a great way to stay in touch while traveling abroad without worry over international rates or roaming charges?
Take the easy way out and download Skype to your iPhone:  for a very low rate, call back home to the US from wherever you are as long as you can connect to a wifi network.

  • If you don't already have a Skype account, go online and sign up.
  • Depending on how many calls you plan to make while abroad, buy either a pay as you go plan OR a subscription model
  • Go to the iTunes store and download the FREE app onto your iPhone
  • Sign into Skype on your iPhone
You're ready to go!
Before you leave on your trip, I would suggest creating or importing the phone numbers that you plan to use while abroad so that you don't have to fiddle with that.
You will also be able to receive calls on your Skype iPhone app, so your friends don't need to endure long distance expenses either.  And remember that you need to connect to a Wifi network.  Soon, the Skype app will be accessible on the 3G network, but not yet.
You're welcome!